"Genshin Impact OC Faeren"

Finally finished! :D A *proper* Genshin Impact-style redesign and character sheet for my original character Faeren.

I’m so happy. My heart is warm. Translating my old characters into a beautiful game setting has been the best thing I’ve done for myself in years, a creative labor of love slowly refined through notes and sketches. I miss them all so much, and now Faeren (and next up is Luke) can live and thrive again in a brand new reimagined way! If only in my head.

Of course Faeren is a Dendro (nature element) character. I tried to fit as much relevant info about him, his skills and personality, outfit details and other things onto one sheet as I could. And where would he be without Snoots? Of course she had to get in on the fun, too. :3

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