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  • Fenwyn

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    FENWYN (pronounced: Fen-wen)
    Race: Shaftan
    Eye color: Blue
    Hair color: Black
    Wings: White
    Distinctions: Sometimes decorates his wings with small ribbons and beads

    Soft-spoken and shy, he is quick to love but not to trust, well acquainted with the unspoken darkness in his world. His beauty often masks the scars of loss and loneliness in his heart, and will take a power beyond his understanding and a woman not of his own kind to heal him and to bring the joy of a loving family into his life.

    One of many victims of the Blackness that claimed his family and nearly took his life as well, Fenwyn spent the first few decades of his life wandering Shafta in search of a lifemate, as all Shaftans must. He relied heavily on anyone who offered him solace, seeking escape from his sad and haunting memories. But since such things are foreign and frightening to immortal Shaftans, he is shunned and avoided, and finds himself the frequent target of the BlackWings. After being captured by them once, an experience he can only remember in hazy snatches, he takes to spending all his time alone in his family’s former house.

    All of this changes when a few unusual visitors wander into Shafta and inadvertently disrupt his solitude. One of them, with her short, rounded ears and no wings to speak of, instantly fascinates him. He discovers by listening and following her around that her name is Kelly, and that she comes from a place called “Earth.” Unlike all the other women of Shafta, she understands his plight and does not shun his company. Rather, she is charmed by his overt affection and inquisitive nature, and over the course of several years falls in love with him, and he with her. The hope and joy she gives him refutes the implication that he is an outcast cursed by recurrent misfortune, and he makes a petition to the Elder of Shafta to marry her.

    It is then that he learns the Elder’s true nature, that the Elder is not the wise and loving guardian he is believed to be, and that everything Fenwyn has ever known is merely a cunning fabrication. Shocked and devastated, he is nearly driven to abandon his homeworld, but together with Kelly, whose Earth-blood gives her great power over the Elder, Fenwyn instead uses his newfound knowledge to defy his curse and challenge the Elder’s supremacy. After repeatedly frustrating the Elder’s every attempt to silence and destroy them, Fenwyn and Kelly threaten to expose the grim truth to the rest of Shafta. Given no other choice, the Elder concedes to their resilience and grants them haven from his cruel and destructive boredom. With the promise of safety for their future children and the end of the ritualistic purging of Shafta, Fenwyn and Kelly finally settle down in a modest house together and begin a family. It is a fulfillment of both of their dreams, and Kacy and Zephyr are their first two children.